Thursday, March 29, 2012

Where's the Pause Button?

Today I imported some pictures into our iPhoto library and I wound up scrolling though some old pictures and movies of our "big kids" (that's what we call our 6 and 4 year old, our two oldest). And maybe it's my pregnancy hormones, or the fact that this is my last pregnancy, or just the fact that I am a full fledged Mommy now and so I cry easily....but I was so choked up the whole time I was looking at our old pictures and home movies of our kids. I had forgotten how their voices sounded when they that small, I had forgotten how much baby fat they had on their little faces, forgotten about little expressions they made or the way they said certain words. It was bittersweet. I was so glad that I had those pictures and movies, but at the same time I was so sad that time had gone by so quickly.

It feels like such a "Mom" thing to say, but every once and while it just hits me all over again - time is flying, it really does go by SO quickly and kids grow up SO fast. It seems like when you're pregnant with your first baby, you spend the majority of those 9 months hearing other Moms tell you just how fast time goes by, and you smile and promise to treasure every minute - but at 3am when you're trying to get you're 2 week old to eat or fall back asleep you wonder if those other Moms were lying to you. And then you blink and your newborn is suddenly six years old....almost done with Kindergarden, sounding like a big kid and missing all that baby fat on his face.  So, what do you do? I have a feeling that sitting around, crying about how fast your babies are growing up isn't an option :)

Maybe that's why I am so drawn to photography, scrapbooking and keeping a journal (or trying to keep a journal). It seems like a way to freeze time and to hold onto all those heartwarming things that we don't want to forget. Tonight instead of feeling discouraged that I am insanely behind on scrapbooking I am trying to be encouraged and motivated. To see that yes, time is flying by quickly so - stop wasting the precious extra time you do have and spend it doing something you love and actually want to on the scrapbooks, make the quilts and dresses and hair bows and little outfits for them that you want to -  before they're too big to wear them.

Looking through all those old memories also felt like I got a big kick in the rear as far as my attitude about parenting goes. Let's be honest, parenting is hard, tiring and stressful. Yes it is totally worth it - it's wonderful and amazing and filled with heartwarming, priceless movements and I am thankful for every last one of them. But it is also filled with moments where you just want to curl up in a ball in the corner and cry. Sometimes you wonder if you have what it takes, and sometimes you fear that you're a total failure and your kids are going to wind up paying a shrink insane amounts of money to try and figure out how you messed them up so bad. However, I think as mothers we have to be so careful not to give in to that stress and that fear. Sure it's healthy to some degree (we worry because we care, it's just in the job description). But sometimes we wind up so freaked out, discouraged, stressed and caught up in all the hard moments of parenting that we miss the good moments and we forget to stop and just enjoy our kids. I know that I need to take more time to just stop and do nothing but enjoy my kids. To laugh with them and be ridiculous and immature with them. To build LEGO spaceships, brush the dollies hair and just sit on the floor and let my baby girl feed me animal crackers. I need to stop freaking out that the house is a mess and the laundry is behind and that my to-do list is growing at an insane rate. Because my kids are growing even faster. It seems like that to-do list is a snail compared to how fast my kids are growing. And I don't want to miss it. I don't want to look back and realize that I had forgotten how they used to be. I don't want to have to jog my memory through home movies. 

I want to be like Mary and treasure all these things in my heart. To enjoy and appreciate my kids for who they are and not give in to stress, fear and the wrong kinds of "mommy guilt". I want to live by the motto of my favorite "famous scrapbooker", Becky Higgins and "cultivate a good life and record it". God has blessed my husband and I with an incredible, blessed life and I don't want to miss out on any part of it. 

So that's my little challenge to myself, and feel free to steal it for yourself if you need it. Thanks for letting me ramble :) 

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Everyone has that collection of movies or tv shows that they could watch over and over and over, and never tire of. One of the items in my list is a TV Special that aired a few years ago. It was the "Oprah Winfrey Legends Ball". Event planning enthusiasts that we are, my Mom and I made ourselves Oprah's Legendary Lemon Drop Martinis and drank in every sip of Collin Cowie, Oprah and Gayle planning a three day long solute to those whom Oprah considered to be legends among the African American community. It was so much fun. And every once in a while, I still hop on YouTube and watch the special all over again...someone has the whole thing up there in six different little segments, but I don't mind - I still love it. Not just because the event planner in me falls in love with the notion of having a party to honor those you admire, or giving away diamond earrings as a favor - but because I really do agree with the statement that Collin Cowie makes during the show, "love is in the details". It's true. When you love someone you know all the little details about them that make them who they are. If you're like me you love buying all the coordinating plates and napkins and party supplies that go with whatever theme my kid has picked out for their birthday party that year. You love wrapping up party favors or gifts and wondering how excited someone else will be when they open them. You love creating a gift for someone with your own hands because even though it takes a lot of time and effort and attention to detail, the recipient is SO worth it to you. Maybe that's why the Legends Ball and all the details that went in to it resonate with me. 

However, after the last time that I watched it I began to look at it in a different light. Because right around that time I had also gone to a Beth Moore conference where she talked about preparation. She spoke about all that God has prepared for us to do over the course of our life, and all that He has prepared for us in eternity. And as I began to think about all that God has prepared for us, both here on this earth and in Heaven - I was blown away. I thought that little Legends Ball weekend Oprah had thrown was amazing and incredible and then I realized - that weekend doesn't even scratch the surface of all the work and preparation that God has put into our life. In comparison to how much detail and thought and LOVE and sacrifice has gone into God's preparing our life and eternity for us - that Legends Ball looks like nothing. I know that this may not come as a huge shocking revelation to you as it did to me, but sometimes things just fall afresh on you and you cannot get over them. And as I thought about ALL that God has done for me, and all the care and thought and effort he has put into just my life (and don't forget he puts that same amount of effort and love into the lives of all his children) I was humbled, and grateful....and pretty much speechless. 

So I guess the question becomes, what is our response back to him? When we realize all he has done and all he IS doing for us, what do we do in response? Of course the first things most of think of would be to love him, obey and serve him, show his love to those around us - and I agree, absolutely. But I also think that we are called to live more intentionally in response to him. To not just float through life letting our days just be "whatever". I think that we need to recognize how quickly our time here is flying by and to become more purposeful and intentional in the way we live, in the way that we love, obey and serve our God. Life with God is a huge adventure, an amazing adventure and at times a very tough adventure. But if we will focus on HIM and not all the circumstances flying around us, trying to distract us from him, he will guide us and he will take us on the journey of a lifetime. Something far better than any Legends Ball that we (or Collin Cowie) could ever dream up.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

Ephesians 2:10 - For we are God's masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Isaiah 45:18 - For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. "I am the LORD," he says, "and there is no other".

1 Corinthians 2:9 - However, as it is written: "What no eyes has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" - the things God has prepared for those who love him.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Consider Me Inspired // Motherhood & Photography

Hello! I just wanted to take a minute to share two fun, encouraging and totally unrelated things with you! :)

First up is probably one of the best messages on parenting I have ever heard - and it's only 12 minutes long! I've been blessed to have been able to receive wonderful, godly advice from my own Mom, from friends who have kids older than mine, from good books and from wonderful sermons I've heard and this video is right up there at the top of my list of favorites! It is something that I watch over and over again to give myself a good reminder of what really matters in parenting, what's really going to make a difference in my children's life. It's a quick little Mother's Day Video that Beth Moore put on her blog a few years ago. You can watch it here. Enjoy!

The second is a great article I read about photographing your own kids. As a photographer and a Mom I sometimes have such a struggle with photographing my own kids. Most people think that just because you are a photographer and have a nice camera, that automatically means that you will have studio quality pictures of your children all the time. Well, it doesn't. I wish it did but usually one of two things happens in our house: either I don't feel like lugging my nice, big camera along with us or my kids are not into my fun photo-shoot idea as much as I am. Yes, I am sure you are shocked to learn that most photographer's children do not feel like dressing up, sitting perfectly still and smiling or gazing happily into their siblings eyes whenever their photographer mommy wants them to! So a lot of the time I just wind up discouraged and leaving the camera at home or saying we'll try on a different day or just waiting until my good friend and family photographer Robin Lieb is available (you can check our her site here by the way). But when I came across this article, I was so encouraged! It really helped me change my perspective on being a "photographer mom" and it reignited my love for photographing my own kids. So whether your a pro, an amateur or a Mom with a camera that hasn't been used in a while - check out this article and get shooting!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mommy Dearest

Today is my Mom's birthday! I have been thinking about writing something in honor of her birthday for a while but I have had a hard time forming my thoughts. When I think of all she has done for me and my growing little family I feel like words are not sufficient enough to describe how much she means to us. That's how I feel when it's time to shop for her too....she is both the easiest and the hardest person for me to buy for. On one hand I could easily spend hundreds on her - buying all the french books, interesting novels, Tiffany & Co jewelry, Anthoplogie teasets, knitting accessories, macaroons, quilting supplies, and French themed art that I can find. But on the other hand I feel like none of it is good enough. None of it is special enough. I mean, in all honesty how do you accurately portray your love, appreciation and admiration of someone who...

  • Raised you in a loving, Christian home
  • Took you to church every week, put you in Christian school
  • Switched churches when she saw how much fun you were having & how much you were getting involved at a new youth group so that she could be at the same church as you
  • Made all your clothes & halloween costumes and then taught you to sew when you were old enough (and still continues to teach you to sew, knit, quilt, etc....)
  • Hand sewed every single Swarovski crystal onto your wedding dress
  • Took you to plays, musicals, ballets and art museums from a very young age
  • Came to allllll of your basketball, softball (rain or shine), and cheerleading games. And also coached your 8th grade cheer squad so that there could be a team that season
  • Chaperoned all your school field trips
  • Not only raised you, but also took care of two dogs, three cats and a handful of hamsters and birds in the coarse of your childhood because you were an animal lover :)
  • Had one of those hamsters operated on (yes, operated on) because it broke her heart to see you crying over the thought of a hamster dying. (Looking back, this whole story is hilarious and it may just wind up getting a post of it's own one day)
  • Took you and your friends to Hawaii for two weeks after High School graduation
  • Laughed with you
  • Cried with you when you were stressed out
  • Listened to you go on and on and on about some guy named Matt you had met at youth group and were completely in love with :)
  • Happily planned (and paid for) your wedding and went with you to every fitting, appointment, etc
  • Moved you and your hubby into our first house, helped you paint it and decorate it and turn it into a home
  • Rejoiced with you (and calmed your nerves) when you learned that a baby was on the way 10 months later
  • Joyfully sprang out of bed at 5am when that baby began to arrive one cold wintery morning
  • Moved in for a week to cook and clean and care for our new little family when Matt went back to work after our baby was born
  • Also, sprang out of bed to be at the hospital when babies number 2 and 3 were on the way and also came to cook and clean and help you adjust after they were born
  • Threw you a party every time a baby was on the way because she firmly believed that every baby is worth celebrating
  • Babysits for free and usually winds up cleaning the house while she's there also
  • Has craft days with you
  • Stalks...I mean....attends Beth Moore conferences with you
  • Plans and throws birthday parties for your kids with you
  • Has your kids over for slumber parties and lovingly spoils them like crazy
  • Dove into the brand-new-to-her world of Legos, superheros and video games so she could bond with your son
  • Takes your daughter for tea, manis & pedis and shopping dates....just like she did when you were little
  • Took your family to Disney World, Legoland and The American Girl store in Chicago
...and this just the tip of the iceberg. I could sit here and type until my fingers began to bleed and fill pages and pages full of all the things she has done for me and my family, and it still would not feel like an accurate description of how great, awesome, fabulous and kind my Mom is. Happy Birthday Mom, I am so thankful for you!!! Love you!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reading Day

My Mom informed me today that it is World Reading Day and tomorrow is National Reading Day. I've written before about how much I love books and reading but I wanted to do just a little something on the blog today in honor of these great days!

If you are a Mom, I cannot stress enough how important I think it is to take your kids to the library - often! It is such a fun and free activity to do with them. My kids love going to our library, and we love to take them! They proudly have their own library cards and get such a kick out of scanning their books at the self checkout. Even when our oldest was still an infant we would go and push his stroller through the isles of books and as he got older he would waddle around, checking everything out. It's so important to teach our kids - from a young age - to the value of a good book, to enjoy learning and to love getting lost in the pages of an exciting story! And don't forget to get some books for yourself too! Happy Reading Day!!!

There are lots of great resources out there to encouraging reading, here are just a few: 

Oprah's Book Club for Kids // This site has great information and book recommendations for kids of all ages.

Rory's Book Club // Most of you know this about me, but I (and my Mom, my husband and some of my close friends) am a HUGE fan of the TV show Gilmore Girls. One of the main characters on the show, Rory, was a huge book lover, she was pretty much never seen without a book in hand or somewhere nearby. Some other Gilmore Girls Groupies put together a book list filled with the books she read on the show and with recommendations for books that she probably would of read.

And finally, if you're a book lover then you definitely need to get the GoodReads app. It's a great tool that helps your keep track of books you  have read, want to read or are currently reading. And you can see what books your friends are reading also. It's fun and a has quickly become one of my favorite apps. You can get the app here or click here to check out the website.