Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Summer Challenge

Summer will officially be here in a few days and I am so excited about it! I love having my kids home with me, just being together and not having to get out of the house every day if we don't want to. Recently I was so glad to come across this post on a great blog that I really enjoy reading, A Pair of Pink Shoes. It had a great idea for a summer activity using all the fun ideas that can be found on Pinterest. I enjoyed reading the post so much that I have decided to try and give the Pinterest Challenge a go when my kids are officially done with school for the summer. So, I have a few days to get my supplies and ideas together and then we are going to go for it! I am really looking forward trying to do this with my kids, I love getting into a fun & creative project with them. Here are some of the challenges we are going to tackle first. I'd encourage everyone who's looking for some ideas for what to do with their kids this summer to give the Pinterest Challenge a try! There are lots of great ideas out there and many that I am looking forward to trying. For now we are starting off nice and easy, but we're excited! This is also a great challenge to try if you're like me and you feel like all the things you put on Pinterest (whether they're for yourself or your kids) just sit on your Pinterest boards and never actually become a reality. So, here we go!

1. Find a New Home for the Camera
Up first is an all-summer-long challenge for myself, actually I guess it's an all-year-long challenge - to get my camera out of my camera bag and find a spot for it where it is easily accessible. I want to try to be more intentional about capturing our fun, every day moments around the house and not just the moments where they're all dressed up in coordinating outfits and being forced to sit pretty and smile :)

2. 30 Day Drawing Challenge
Both of my big kids love to draw, so we are going to get some sketch books for each of them and some brand new crayons and colored pencils and give this a try!

3. Cards & Notes
This challenge is a little bit more for me, but my kids have a few cards and notes they've received so we might start it for them too. I love this idea, it's so smart and so easy! Just get a hole puncher and some string or metal rings and now you can keep all your cards and notes that are special to you in one place. Also, write the date on them and any special things you want to remember about the person who gave it to you or what occasion it was given to you on.

4. ABC Bible Verses
If you head over to this website you can find a free printable with verses for each letter of the alphabet. Then just print them off and put them together in a little book and you have a really easy way to teach your kids some verses. 

5. Summer Ideas in General
I printed this off last summer and hung it on our fridge. It was perfect to have for one of those I-have-no-idea-what-to-do-today-and-the-kids-don't-feel-like-just-sitting-around-in-their-jammies kind of days :)