Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Man

Right now I am torn between feeling like I do not have the words to truly express how I am feeling and between fearing that I could ramble on for pages and pages about the topic I am about to write about. Hopefully I'll land somewhere in the middle :)

Today is my husband's 30th birthday. He and I started dating when we were in High School and the first birthday we celebrated together was his 18th, it seems almost unreal that that was 12 years ago. So much has changed and yet at the same time, it feels like we're still the same 18 and 16 year olds we were back then. To me, my husband is irrefutable evidence that God creates the perfect spouse for you. I can't imagine anyone else that I could relate to, talk with, dream with, raise kids with and just plain go-though-life with like I do with my husband. I don't think I could of made it through the ups and downs of life with anyone else. He is someone who is exactly like me and also totally different from me {in a good way} all at once. He's the kind of husband who knows me better than anyone and also continues to work hard at pursuing me and discovering who I am. To say that I am grateful for him feels like a huge understatement. 

I'm sure many women say this about their husbands but it is very true of mine: I thought I couldn't love him any more than I did, until we became parents - my husband became a father and I fell in love with him in a brand new way. Suddenly we were on a new journey together - a wonderful, exciting, amazing, crazy, busy {sometimes stressful, scary & uncertain} blessed, adventurous journey. I truly cannot imagine being on that journey with anyone else. I love watching him interact with our kids. They have so much fun together and I can see how much they adore him. From about 3pm until 6pm each day all I hear is "When is Daddy coming home? Has he left work yet? Think he'll want to play Legos tonight? Will he want to play My Little Ponies with me? Can we go on a walk with Daddy tonight?...." and then comes that magical time when the garage door opens and I hear "Daddy! Daddy!! Daddy's home! Let's hide and scare him! I can't wait to hug him!" It's perfect, he is their superhero - and he's mine too. 

I could go on and on about him and still feel like I haven't properly expressed how great he is. So, you'll just have to trust me - he's a ROCKSTAR, and he's mine. And even though it's his birthday, and this post is all about him, I can't help but feel like I am the one who is getting a gift.

Happy 30th Babe! I love you so much!!! Here's to many, many more!

Find a good spouse, and you find a good life - even more, the favor of God! Prov 18:22


  1. how beautiful Crystal! He is blessed to have a wonderful loving wife and mother in you TOO. Happy 30th birthday to Matt!

  2. Aw! So sweet! You too are so perfect for each other! Love you both!
